AOG Submission – February 2024 (returned)
15/02/2024To be honest I was not a hundred percent certain whether I really wanted to submit this card. Until now I never really had any problems with packages going missing but this one would hurt me personally. Initially I wanted to submit the card to Gold Standard Grading because until now I was happy with their service and they offer dual grading without extra charge. The problem here is the necessary proof they wanted to authenticate the signature.
Upfront I asked what they needed and they told me a video proving the signature process or a GSG employee authenticating it on site was the only way they would accept the card.
At the signing session videos were strictly forbidden and of course there was no member of their staff available either so I captured the card with the little sheet before the signature and afterwards. Plus the tickets from said event.
After almost a month I saw a post from a dear fellow collector whom I spent the day with at that event. He was in contact with Absolute Objective Grading and decided to submit his sketched card to them. Shortly after he received it back and documented his progress. That made me overthink my decision once again. I tried to get a different response from GSG but it took them two days to tell me no once again.
And here we are now: I messaged AOG and got an instant reply. So I booked a submission, sent them all the infos I also provided to GSG and sent off the package, currently awaiting arrival. Right now I must say I do appreciate the service level more and am interested in how this progresses.
The estimated turnover time is max. 21 work days so I’m expecting in to return early to mid march.
I’m looking forward to it and but I’m not really sure how the grade will turn out. I expect something between 4 and 6.5 so let’s see.
UPDATE 19.02.: The card has arived at AOG and I received the video.
UPDATE 29.02.: Grade just came in. Just as I expected. The scratches scan though is wild.
UPDATE 11.03.: Finally able to pick it up from DHL after they could not deliver it to me because apparently I was not home enough? Must say I do not like the brushed chrome as much I thought I would but well 😵💫😅